Well, its official. I have now officially been pulled over twice as many times in the Altima than I ever was in my Jeep. All for stupid reasons if you ask me. Before you think I get pulled over all the time, it has been a total of 3 times in my 8 and half years of driving.
Once at the age of 16 for driving to close to the yellow line in Maumelle where there are no lights on the roads. The police officer ask me to walk the line. I was in my cheerleading top and pj pants. Needless to say I had never drank a day in my life and was terrified! Not only cause this police officer had me pulled over, but that I was going to be late for curfew.
The second time was after several warnings from my step-mom that my car would go faster than my Jeep. I guess I didn't listen because I got my car on Saturday and I was getting pulled over Wednesday at noon. He felt bad for me that I was in college and a nanny for kids who I was on my way to pick up and he was causing me to be late. OR that he couldn't prove that I was speeding since he had no radar gun!
Well, the third occurred today. I was getting on the interstate in Springdale when a State Trooper decided he wanted a better look at me. So, he pulled me over! He decided the reason for pulling me over was that I didn't come to a COMPLETE STOP at a YIELD sign! Who knew that was the new law? He asked for my driver's license which was in my trunk because I had put it there this morning when I got to work. I explained why it was there and then he asked where I worked. Turns out he knows a kid that went there so we talked about it. I guess being a teacher helped me out! He let me go without ever looking at my driver's license. What a nice guy he was! Though, I still want to see that law that says come to a complete stop at a yield sign when there are no cars coming!
Monday, August 31, 2009
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Get a hobby
Today Ryan was going to play golf and as I was leaving the house this was our conversation.
Ryan: Are you sure it is ok I go play golf?
Me: Yes, it's fine.
Ryan: Maybe you should get a hobby such as tennis.
Me: I do have a hobby, its being a first year teacher.
Ryan: That's not a hobby that is only an 8-3, Monday-Friday job.
Me: Laughing as I drive off to go to school and work on some things.
If he only knew.....
Ryan: Are you sure it is ok I go play golf?
Me: Yes, it's fine.
Ryan: Maybe you should get a hobby such as tennis.
Me: I do have a hobby, its being a first year teacher.
Ryan: That's not a hobby that is only an 8-3, Monday-Friday job.
Me: Laughing as I drive off to go to school and work on some things.
If he only knew.....
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
In the swing of things
Well, I feel like I am in the swing of things now. I think I can manage everything now. Work, cooking, house keeping, laundry, and a normal life! Everything is going well at school and at home. On Monday, Mare stopped by Fayetteville to eat dinner with Ali, B, Ryan and I. We had a lot of fun visiting with her and the wonderful lady who takes care of her, Linda. Thanks for dinner Mare! We love you. Tuesday, flat wore me out! We changed our schedule a little since are kiddos are practicing for a play. That messed me up. Though, I still was able to come home and cook dinner for my lovely husband and we worked in the yard. That was after my afternoon nap. I miss those! I took a nap everyday at 3:30 during the summer. Today I stayed at school until 5:30 working on some stuff. I love every minute of my job! I never thought I would say that, but I truly do! I can't tell you enough how wonderful, amazing, and fun my students are!!! Tonight Ryan and I went to eat at the country club and then to Wal-Mart so I could get some baskets to organize my toiletries closet. Weird I know, but that is what makes me happy! Only two more days of this week! It has flown by! This weekend we are getting to celebrate Little Miss Sallie's 1st birthday! I can't believe she turned ONE on Monday! Well, that is all that is going on on the Green front! Hope things are well with you all!
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Work Work Work!
Well Saturday I slept in until 11:00. I didn't realize how tired I was from the week! It felt great! I got up went to the bank, the cleaners, ran back by Wal-Mart to pick up some more pillows for my classroom. I got home and cleaned the whole house! Even the bathrooms! I was so proud of myself. Did the laundry and made pita chips! Then Ryan came home about 2 from the golf course and we went shopping.
Saturday night we went to Shogun's with Tim and Leigh. Then we went back to Tim's to hang out on the deck and have some wine and talk! It was so much fun just to relax and hang out!
Sunday we slept in again since Ryan had to be at the golf course again for the tourney. He left to go to the golf course and I headed to school. I spent from 11:45-4:45 working in my classroom! I got most of my lesson ready through September and some things all the way into October! You would think that working in my room the past two weeks I would have gotten most of those things done, but no. A teacher's work is never done I decided! Though I absolutely love it! Last night I actually found myself missing my kids already!
I feel like I have a very busy yet, accomplished weekend! Now I am waiting on Ryan to get home from the golf course and we are going to grill out some steaks! YUMMM!!!
Hope everyone had a great weekend as well!
Saturday night we went to Shogun's with Tim and Leigh. Then we went back to Tim's to hang out on the deck and have some wine and talk! It was so much fun just to relax and hang out!
Sunday we slept in again since Ryan had to be at the golf course again for the tourney. He left to go to the golf course and I headed to school. I spent from 11:45-4:45 working in my classroom! I got most of my lesson ready through September and some things all the way into October! You would think that working in my room the past two weeks I would have gotten most of those things done, but no. A teacher's work is never done I decided! Though I absolutely love it! Last night I actually found myself missing my kids already!
I feel like I have a very busy yet, accomplished weekend! Now I am waiting on Ryan to get home from the golf course and we are going to grill out some steaks! YUMMM!!!
Hope everyone had a great weekend as well!
Friday, August 21, 2009
Working Girl!
WOW! What a week it has been! Monday and Tuesday I finished up work week. Tuesday night had parent night at the school and met most of my parents and Wednesday the students came back! This week has been amazing, fun filled, and yet surprising in many ways!
Wednesday was so great. My students are perfect! I could not as for a better group of 12 students!!!! Yes, I said 12!!! It is so great! They all come in the morning and get right to work, no problems! They all love to read and will read at any chance you give them! I'm not sure if it is because I have rocking chairs and pillows or if they really just love it! On Wednesday we went over procedures, play get to know you games, and started the Arts with Education stuff. So far, they are loving it! Wednesday, I was a little stressed by the end of the day with learning all the routines and which door to take them in, how to get lunches for them, how to check them out in the afternoon, remembering to switch classes, how to line them up at recess (no not by class :) ), and which special they were going to. By the end of the day when I dropped them off at after school care the poor guy looked at me and said "I think you looked stressed, why don't you go back to your room and I'll take care of it!" Haha! I laughed so hard and said OK!
Thursday, I had it together so I think! It rained so we had indoor recess which was another experiences, but fine! Everything went according to schedule, I remembered to switch classes, took them in the right doors, and got them lined up on time. We are still always about 7 minutes late for lunch but, we are working on it!
Friday, it has just flown by. I got this down pat! ( Or that is what I tell myself) The students love the AWE (Arts with Education) stuff. We moved on to the one-minute challenges today. So fun to watch them think in a new way! I wish I could show you pictures but, I can't post them on my blog. Maybe one day I will get them on The New School website for you all to see.
So far, I feel like I fit in perfectly! Everyone is so nice and friendly! Mrs. Angel, the principal, came by to chat today and I just loved it! I graded lots of papers today, that I even brought some home to work on this evening.
I half way feel like I am keeping my life in order. I got my hair cut last night, picked up dinner, wash clothes, entertained Tim and Leigh, paid bills and tonight did the grocery shopping for the week or hopefully two weeks! And...I even managed to blog tonight!
To leave you I will share some of my favorite quotes of the week.
" Third grade is the best grade ever! I can't wait to come everyday!"
"Mrs. Sarah your the best teacher ever! You make learning fun!"
" I didn't know looking at a (text)book could be so fun!"
Least favorite quote:
"What time is lunch?"
I didn't know that was so annoying to teachers! I feel bad for asking as a kid! But, if that is my only complaint, I think I have a great life!
Last, this made my day, for those who know me well! We had the radio on during study hall and a students said to me, "That's a Kenny Chesney song!"
I knew I loved my kids! :)
Wednesday was so great. My students are perfect! I could not as for a better group of 12 students!!!! Yes, I said 12!!! It is so great! They all come in the morning and get right to work, no problems! They all love to read and will read at any chance you give them! I'm not sure if it is because I have rocking chairs and pillows or if they really just love it! On Wednesday we went over procedures, play get to know you games, and started the Arts with Education stuff. So far, they are loving it! Wednesday, I was a little stressed by the end of the day with learning all the routines and which door to take them in, how to get lunches for them, how to check them out in the afternoon, remembering to switch classes, how to line them up at recess (no not by class :) ), and which special they were going to. By the end of the day when I dropped them off at after school care the poor guy looked at me and said "I think you looked stressed, why don't you go back to your room and I'll take care of it!" Haha! I laughed so hard and said OK!
Thursday, I had it together so I think! It rained so we had indoor recess which was another experiences, but fine! Everything went according to schedule, I remembered to switch classes, took them in the right doors, and got them lined up on time. We are still always about 7 minutes late for lunch but, we are working on it!
Friday, it has just flown by. I got this down pat! ( Or that is what I tell myself) The students love the AWE (Arts with Education) stuff. We moved on to the one-minute challenges today. So fun to watch them think in a new way! I wish I could show you pictures but, I can't post them on my blog. Maybe one day I will get them on The New School website for you all to see.
So far, I feel like I fit in perfectly! Everyone is so nice and friendly! Mrs. Angel, the principal, came by to chat today and I just loved it! I graded lots of papers today, that I even brought some home to work on this evening.
I half way feel like I am keeping my life in order. I got my hair cut last night, picked up dinner, wash clothes, entertained Tim and Leigh, paid bills and tonight did the grocery shopping for the week or hopefully two weeks! And...I even managed to blog tonight!
To leave you I will share some of my favorite quotes of the week.
" Third grade is the best grade ever! I can't wait to come everyday!"
"Mrs. Sarah your the best teacher ever! You make learning fun!"
" I didn't know looking at a (text)book could be so fun!"
Least favorite quote:
"What time is lunch?"
I didn't know that was so annoying to teachers! I feel bad for asking as a kid! But, if that is my only complaint, I think I have a great life!
Last, this made my day, for those who know me well! We had the radio on during study hall and a students said to me, "That's a Kenny Chesney song!"
I knew I loved my kids! :)
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
I loved it and I think the kids loved it equally! I will update more this weekend! But so far, so good! I have 12 kids and they are all perfect and love to laugh and learn! What more could I ask for!
1 Year Ago Today
A surprise guest appearance from Ryan...
A year ago today, Sarah and I were engaged. It was a very frantic day. I got the ring on monday and it was truely burning a hole in my pocket. I planned with Tim and Jamie to get her on campus Wednesday evening so I could pop the question. It worked! I am sure I have told most of you the story so I won't bore you. It was a big day for Sarah's step-mom and dad as they were dropping off Rae-Marie to become a college kid and getting a "son-in-law" all in the same day (they were already in Fayetteville). I called my parents and Sarah's mom and told them the news and they headed up from central AR, made it just in time to celebrate afterwards.
Enough of the boring story.
Today is Sarah's first day teaching 3rd grade at the New School. She has been very nervous this week leading up to this morning. Everyone, I ask that you say a prayer to calm Sarah and that God will grant her the peace on this 1st morning of a new chapter in our lives.
Sarah, I love you very much and this past year has been so wonderful. I can't thank you enough for all you do for me. This has been the greatest year of my life, I don't know what I would do without my best friend. We have now been married nearly 3 months, how great it has been. I look for many more wonderfully blessed years of life ahead with you!
Good luck today! Breathe deep, and most importantly, smile that beautiful smile. The kids are going to LOVE you!!
Monday, August 17, 2009
Well....life is good this week.
Over the weekend I drove to Texas to see Clayton, my cousin, graduate college. I had lots of fun hanging out with the family. Here are some pictures of the weekend.
Clayton and I afterwards
Me, Chase, Gran, and Clayton.
Mom and me at the rooftop party.
Here is a picture of the rooftop we were on. It was so awesome and had great views.
Megan and I hanging out by the pool.
I was the photographer for the graduation and party so I only have a few pictures that I was actually in. But I had a blast doing it!
School.... Well summer is officially over! 9 months till it is back!
This is the week my students will come back. I am so ready to meet them and get things started! I have been working hard in my classroom these last few days and I think I am finally ready. Tomorrow I will just be working on lesson plans and doing finally things before Wednesday morning! I can't wait to tell everyone about that first day!
Sorry, there isn't much going on in the Green household this week.
Over the weekend I drove to Texas to see Clayton, my cousin, graduate college. I had lots of fun hanging out with the family. Here are some pictures of the weekend.
I was the photographer for the graduation and party so I only have a few pictures that I was actually in. But I had a blast doing it!
School.... Well summer is officially over! 9 months till it is back!
This is the week my students will come back. I am so ready to meet them and get things started! I have been working hard in my classroom these last few days and I think I am finally ready. Tomorrow I will just be working on lesson plans and doing finally things before Wednesday morning! I can't wait to tell everyone about that first day!
Sorry, there isn't much going on in the Green household this week.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Finally an Update!
Well, most of you know it hailed SO hard here last week and cause me lots of problems!
List: 1. Missed my meeting where I could have made money!
2. Locked me out of my house!
3. Made me pay a locksmith to come unlock my house!
4. Knocked my internet and cable out!
And now to add to the list!
5. I have a leaking roof! BOOO! It has leaked through our ceiling and cause a bubble in our den!
Here is the hail in our front yard. If you want a real life version check my freezer. I saved some to show everyone.

This is what happened in my old neighborhood.
This was my sweet outfit that Leigh thought was so funny, she took a picture. I had on heels and white pants when it started and I went to Tim's to watch the fire below. My pants got wet so I put my skirt on.
Tim's neighbor's house got on fire from the lightning strike. Sad times for them.
**Original post**
Well....ok so I feel really bad for always yelling at people because they don't update their blog. I was in a workshop all last week and have been back at school this week and well....I have no time or interest in updating. So, here is my apologize to you all for getting mad at you. I am so sorry!
Last week I spent all day at the Walton Art Center in the Arts with Education Institute. It was so awesome. I learned so many things that I can use in my classroom. The 3rd and 4th grade teams and one of the art teachers from The New School were all there with me.
This week I started work week. So far, so good. Everything is going well. I have met so many teachers that I can't remember everyone's name but, they are all so helpful. I got a new computer as well but it is an apple and I have no clue how to use it but I am trying.
Over the weekend we went to Carl and Anna George's wedding. It was beautiful and so much fun! Here are a few pictures.

Ryan and Blake wearing goofy glasses! Big hit at the wedding!
The beautiful cake. (That guy walked into my picture!)
Ryan and I

My first grade teachers little boy! Well he isn't so little anymore! He had so much fun!
Conner and Allyson went to the wedding with us! We will miss them. They moved to DC on Monday!
I do have some bad news. I left my camera outside and it rained on it so no longer works! I am really sad about it and if you know me....I cried!
List: 1. Missed my meeting where I could have made money!
2. Locked me out of my house!
3. Made me pay a locksmith to come unlock my house!
4. Knocked my internet and cable out!
And now to add to the list!
5. I have a leaking roof! BOOO! It has leaked through our ceiling and cause a bubble in our den!
This is what happened in my old neighborhood.
This was my sweet outfit that Leigh thought was so funny, she took a picture. I had on heels and white pants when it started and I went to Tim's to watch the fire below. My pants got wet so I put my skirt on.
**Original post**
Well....ok so I feel really bad for always yelling at people because they don't update their blog. I was in a workshop all last week and have been back at school this week and well....I have no time or interest in updating. So, here is my apologize to you all for getting mad at you. I am so sorry!
Last week I spent all day at the Walton Art Center in the Arts with Education Institute. It was so awesome. I learned so many things that I can use in my classroom. The 3rd and 4th grade teams and one of the art teachers from The New School were all there with me.
This week I started work week. So far, so good. Everything is going well. I have met so many teachers that I can't remember everyone's name but, they are all so helpful. I got a new computer as well but it is an apple and I have no clue how to use it but I am trying.
Over the weekend we went to Carl and Anna George's wedding. It was beautiful and so much fun! Here are a few pictures.
Ryan and Blake wearing goofy glasses! Big hit at the wedding!
The beautiful cake. (That guy walked into my picture!)
My first grade teachers little boy! Well he isn't so little anymore! He had so much fun!
I do have some bad news. I left my camera outside and it rained on it so no longer works! I am really sad about it and if you know me....I cried!
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Wedding Reception
Kelly's Korner
We left straight out of the church and headed to the reception across down. We did this so that we could walk through the reception area before everyone else got there. I highly recommend doing this if you haven't got married yet!
Mrs. Brenda drove us from the church to the reception. She also help to take out my veil once we got to the reception.

I was so excited to be with the one I loved and all our friends and family.
We had this room before we all went into the reception for the wedding party to come and eat as well as Ryan and I so that we didn't have to wait in the line. Great Idea!
Tanarah also did our reception flowers which were beautiful! It was everything I ever imagined.

Many people don't know this but my cake was fake. The only part that was real was the top which we kept for our 1st anniversary. We just had sheet cake in the back that the waiters brought out and sat on the table after we cut the cake. (And it was cheaper that way)
The buffet table.
The piano was played for about 30 minutes while guest arrived and before the band started! We had to beg the club to allow us to put anything on the piano, I am glad they let us because it was beautiful!

All the tables had different arrangements of flowers on them!

Our first dance.
Our friend Brandon Sutton sang at the wedding and our first dance. We dance to Michael Buble's Everything. It was perfect! In about the middle of the song our wedding party joined us.

Mother-Son and Father-Daughter Dance

Cutting the cake and toasting.

I always said that I would practing doing this so I didn't look stupid! Guess I forgot. You can tell we don't know what we are doing.
Just a few picture of people at the reception.
My family watching the dance floor!
Tim, Ryan, Me, and Lauren

Some of our best friends the Simpson's
Throwing my flowers.
Tossing the garter.
Leaving the reception. We had a bubble machine, which was awesome!

As a wedding gift my mom had Issac Alexander come and paint the reception while it was going on. The picture is now above our fireplace. LOVE IT! GREAT PRESENT!
We left straight out of the church and headed to the reception across down. We did this so that we could walk through the reception area before everyone else got there. I highly recommend doing this if you haven't got married yet!

I was so excited to be with the one I loved and all our friends and family.

Tanarah also did our reception flowers which were beautiful! It was everything I ever imagined.
Many people don't know this but my cake was fake. The only part that was real was the top which we kept for our 1st anniversary. We just had sheet cake in the back that the waiters brought out and sat on the table after we cut the cake. (And it was cheaper that way)
The buffet table.
All the tables had different arrangements of flowers on them!
Our first dance.
Our friend Brandon Sutton sang at the wedding and our first dance. We dance to Michael Buble's Everything. It was perfect! In about the middle of the song our wedding party joined us.
Mother-Son and Father-Daughter Dance

Cutting the cake and toasting.

I always said that I would practing doing this so I didn't look stupid! Guess I forgot. You can tell we don't know what we are doing.
Just a few picture of people at the reception.

Some of our best friends the Simpson's

Throwing my flowers.

Tossing the garter.

Leaving the reception. We had a bubble machine, which was awesome!

As a wedding gift my mom had Issac Alexander come and paint the reception while it was going on. The picture is now above our fireplace. LOVE IT! GREAT PRESENT!

Sunday, August 2, 2009
Busy Busy Busy!
What a busy weekend Ryan and I had! We started by keeping the James kids on Friday night! I love to keep these kids! They are great and so much fun to hang out with and they cause no problems...ever! Ryan came over and we went swimming and then watched Disney channel and then Kate showed us what she learned at golf camp!
Saturday morning we got up at 7 and went to the Farmer's Market down of the Fayetteville Square. We had never done this but, we will be doing more often! We got some good veggies for the week. Then we went to my old house and sat on the porch since it was pouring rain and drank our Sonic drinks. Then off to Bed, Bath and Beyond to do a little shopping. We got pant hangers, new sheets for the guest bedroom, and steak knifes. Then over to Home Depot to buy a ladder and then Lowe's to order a new light fixture for the front porch. I was feeling very accomplished! Then we came home and cleaned out our office closet, then the attic, then the garage. We decided after all of that we will be having a garage sale asap! Then I went to keep some kids from Holcomb that live a few street up from us. They were all really good too!
Sunday morning we went to church and then came home for lunch. Ryan then headed to the golf course and I went Christmas shopping. I know, I know! Its weird that I shop this early but, I am close to being done. Then I came home and wrap my presents and cleaned out our hall closets! Just in time to start going to workshops tomorrow for school! Hope everyone else had a great weekend as well.
Saturday morning we got up at 7 and went to the Farmer's Market down of the Fayetteville Square. We had never done this but, we will be doing more often! We got some good veggies for the week. Then we went to my old house and sat on the porch since it was pouring rain and drank our Sonic drinks. Then off to Bed, Bath and Beyond to do a little shopping. We got pant hangers, new sheets for the guest bedroom, and steak knifes. Then over to Home Depot to buy a ladder and then Lowe's to order a new light fixture for the front porch. I was feeling very accomplished! Then we came home and cleaned out our office closet, then the attic, then the garage. We decided after all of that we will be having a garage sale asap! Then I went to keep some kids from Holcomb that live a few street up from us. They were all really good too!
Sunday morning we went to church and then came home for lunch. Ryan then headed to the golf course and I went Christmas shopping. I know, I know! Its weird that I shop this early but, I am close to being done. Then I came home and wrap my presents and cleaned out our hall closets! Just in time to start going to workshops tomorrow for school! Hope everyone else had a great weekend as well.
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