10 Months
- You wear a size 3 diaper
- You weigh about 19.1 pounds
- You have your two bottom teeth.
- You eat 4 oz at 7am, 10am, 4pm, and 7pm and 6oz at 1pm.
- You are eating rice cereal at night along with a veggie and a fruit.
- You are eating a fruit and either oatmeal or yogurt in the morning.
- You sleep from 7pm to 7am most nights.
- You are wearing 9-12 months clothes.
- We have started trying to give you a sippy cup every so often and you are doing great!
- You must have someone in the room with you.
- Your favorite toys are board books, a starfish, and your stacking cups.
- You have started to dance anytime you hear music.
- You are "talking" all the time.
- You laugh so hard at anything you think is funny.
- You are crawling everywhere and fast.
- You are pulling up on things, but you won't walk around anything.
- You can wave bye and say bye.
- You had hives and the stomach virus this month.
- You got your first hair cut this month.
- You went on your first boat ride.
- You went to the pool for the first time.
- You have been teething but, no new teeth.
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