Wednesday, March 31, 2010


We went to Oaklawn on Friday with my dad and Tracey!
It was fun to sit and relax for a day!
I bet on horses based on their names. I only had luck 3 times. Ryan won a few as well, but he didn't write all his winnings in his book like me!
I ate a corn dog and fries (which I told you about yesterday) and Ryan had his Reuben he had been craving. Then I kept seeing people with chocolate yogurt. So, Tracey and I went to get some and they had run out the person in front of me! UGH! I was so sad, but the lady tried to get me some out and then topped it off with strawberry! That was so good! After parking, getting in, books, tip sheets, food and drinks, and betting, Ryan and I only lost $31. I thought that was a good price for 2 people so spend 5 hours at the races!

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