5 Months!
- You wear a size 1-2 diaper
- You weigh about 15 pounds
- You eat 6 oz 5 times a day.
- You are eating rice cereal at night.
- You sleep from 7pm to 7am most nights. There have been those night where you wake up and come sleep with us.
- You are wearing 3-6 months clothes.
- You still like to suck your thumb rather than the passy!
- You drool everywhere. My guess is teething.
- You only cry when you have a dirty diaper, if you are hungry, or want someone to look at you!
- You have started "talking" a lot more.
- You have started to laugh.
- You are rolling over.
- You can almost sit up.
- You like your jump and play, but you let us know when you are done.
- You started daycare on January 3. Your mommy cried when she left you!
- You starting to be very active!
- Day is also your 2nd snow.
Payne, you are SO stinkin adorable! I love seeing you in the nursery on Sunday!
He is such a cutie!! I LOVE his huge smile!
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