Friday, January 20, 2012

17 Months

You are wear 18-24 month clothes.
You take 2 naps when you are home. At daycare you only take one.
This month they moved you from a crib to a cot at school.
You are still a picky eater most days. Every now and then you eat well.
You love to play in the bath, but hate for me to wash your hair and body.
You love to hear music and dance. You love to stack things up and knock them over.
You love to brush your teeth.
You weigh about 24 pounds.
  You are starting to try to run.
You have 11 teeth and one trying to finish coming in.
You can say lots of things now. We have been practicing with some flash cards of animals lately. You are starting to learn a few.
You love to say yes and no. You shake your head for switch one you are trying to say.
You still love your doggy and we are still trying to break you from it. Not going well!
You are wearing size 4 diapers at home and 3 at school.
You can point to your belly and nose. When we ask where your feet are you hold up your foot.
You are starting to become more social!
You hate when I leave you at daycare or at church. You sit down outside the room and scream. It breaks my heart!!

We love you sweet boy and love seeing you grow each and every day!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Christmas with D. and Big R and Family

 We went down to Benton the day after Christmas to do Christmas with Ryan's side of the family. We had done the big Christmas a few weeks before, so we were just opening our stockings. Payne loved running around and entertaining everyone!
 Payne opened his stocking and the was the helper to pass out the other stockings!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Christmas with G and G and Family

 Christmas night we went to my grandparents to have Christmas with the Maulden side of the family. I was excited because I got to see my cousin Lauren's new baby, Jack! He was 4 weeks old the first time I got to see him! He was born the day after her shower in November. He was four weeks early. So if he had come on schedule I would have gotten to see him his first week of life! But, things don't always go according to plan. But, needless to say! I loved getting to hold him and cuddle with him! He is just precious! 
We all meet at my grandparents in time to eat dinner and then open presents. Things were a little crazy with about 20 people, so there are not many pictures.
 Robert, Lauren, and me. 
 My very sweet grandparents who I just love!!
Payne and baby Jack! Payne wasn't really sure about holding him! I can't wait for them to grow up being best friends!!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Christmas with Papa

 We drove down to Little Rock Christmas day during nap time. We spent the afternoon with Papa opening presents. Payne loved all the attention he got once again! He also loved all his presents from Papa! Thanks Papa for a a fun afternoon! 
Payne got some new shoes!
 Animal sound magnets for the fridge!
 His favorite the stacking cups!

 New books!
 Some dot markers!
 A new puzzle and animals!
And some geometric magnets!

Monday, January 16, 2012

Christmas with JJ and family

 My mom came up a few days before Christmas along with my aunt and uncle and 2 cousins. We enjoyed hanging out with them for a few days. We did Christmas on Thursday night when Ryan got home from work.  Payne didn't know what to think of all the new toys! 
 You all have no idea how many times we have slid down this slide!! Or how many balls have I picked up around the house! He loves to throw balls!

 Clayton and Chase
 Payne got several toys that sing and/ or make noise and he loves to dance to them!
Needless to say, I believe this little boy was spoiled!! 
Thanks JJ, Uncle Bud, Aunt B, Clayton, and Chase for all the fun gifts!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

A look back at 2011

January: Payne started daycare and we helped to open Cross Church Fayetteville.

February: We went to Telluride with the Fite's and the Owen's.

March: Payne started sitting up for the first time.

April: We took a weekend trip to Sea Island with the Owen's

May: We took Payne to the golf course for the first time.
Payne broke out in hives.

June: Payne's first hair cut.
Payne attended his first Family Reunion.

July: We took a trip to Colorado.

August: Payne's 1st birthday!

September: Payne started walking!

October: Payne went trick-or-treating for the first time.

November: We celebrated Thanksgiving in Texas.

December: Continued our family tradition of Christmas Eve Service, Lights of the Ozarks, and reading The Night Before Christmas.